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TRAVEL INSURANCE is a completely different product to Health Insurance. Our STUDY ABROAD scheme is NOT just Medical only (as Health Insurance is), provides many sections of cover, flexibility and includes REPATRIATION and EMERGENCY MEDICAL cover. The STUDY ABROAD scheme is absolutely ESSENTIAL to complement any Health Insurance, especially off-campus – without proper protection, the bills for REPATRIATION could run into £100,000’s !!!!

HEALTH INSURANCE, the equivalent of Private Medical Insurance in the UK

You will normally have Health Insurance included in your placement. It is very complex so please familiarise cover, such as co-insurance, co-pays, deductible and specifically check in advance whether this only covers a percentage of a potential claim. If you do not have Health Insurance, a competitive cover I am familiar with is WORLD TRIPS STUDENT SECURE.

The campus must also cover the sport, whether training, playing etc. You need to check your full financial package. Know BEFORE YOU GO otherwise it is too late !!!!

         Example Premiums…10 MONTHS WORLDWIDE….£429.96

  12 MONTHS WORLDWIDE….£505.14

Please Note: The STUDY ABROAD scheme is a leisure travel insurance only and will not provide benefits of cover for Private Health Care. Underwriters reserve the right to move you from one hospital to another and/or arrange for your repatriation to the United Kingdom at any time during the trip.

Please click on and then POLICY TYPES for full details of our STUDY ABROAD scheme, delete the relevant tab at the top, get your personal quotation and complete the purchase online.

Any worries, call Brian on 07837 524144 or Email: 


IMPORTANT: Insurers have now included cover for COVID-19 in the premiums

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