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Andy Su

Availability status: Committed

University: Missouri University of Science & Technology

Personal Profile

Country: United Kingdom

Date of birth: 09/04/2006

Height: 6 feet 0 inches

Weight: 150 lbs

Sex: Male

Academic Information

School: Poole Grammar School

Graduation Year: 2024

Enrollment Year: 2024


High School Grades: Maths: A, Further Maths: A, Physics: A, Chemistry: A, Biology: A, French: A, Geography: A, English Literature: A, History: A, Religious Studies: A, English language: A;

SAT: Not taken yet

Golfing Profile

Scoring Average: 74

Tournament Low Score: 62

Current Handicap: +1

Team Selections: Dorset U18 Team, Dorset Men’s 1st Team;

Top tournament results:

T27th place McGregor Trophy (71,76,77,75)

1st place Dorset County Stroke play Championship (71,63)

1st place Dorset County Boys Championship (69,68)

7th place 2023 English Champion of Champions (69,77)

T5th place Andy Nicholas Memorial Trophy (71,73)

1st place Parkstone Junior Club Championship (68)

1st place Broadstone Junior Open (71)

T54th place McGregor Trophy (75,75)

3rd place South West U16 Championship (75)

T23rd place West of England U16 Championship (77,77)


Give us 5 words that best describe you as an athlete:

Hardworking, focused, relentless, eager, malleable. 

Tell us about your best memory of your athletic career:

My best memory in golf was standing on the last hole of the competition 8 under par and hitting a driver straight down the middle to finish with another birdie! 


To make it on the PGA Tour and play golf professionally for a living. I want to try to get to world no. 1 and win all the majors. 

Anything else we should know?

I am hardworking, diligent and always striving to improve all aspects of my golf game. I am very willing to listen to advice from other and incorporate everything that I learn into my game. 

Coaches for more Information on this athlete send us a message on WhatsApp
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