Bennet Brand
Availability status: Available
Country: Germany
Date of birth: 10/12/2006
Height: 6 feet 2 inches
Weight: 178 lbs
Sex: Male
Graduation Year: 2026
Enrollment Year: 2026
High School Grades: German: A, Maths: A, Physics: A, Biology: A, English: A, French: A, Sport: A, IT: A, Community Studies: A, Music: A, Art: B, Chemistry: B;
SAT: Not taken yet
TOEFL: Not taken yet
Scoring Average: 75.1
Tournament Low Score: 68
Current Handicap: 0
German Golf Ranking: 51
Top tournament results:
7th place WAGR Marzo (78,77,69)
6th place Rangliste Heddesheim (74,76,70)
18th place German Championship (71,74,74)
6th place Club Championship (72,77,77)
11th place State Championship (74,78,73)
15th place Rangliste Schwäbisch Hall (78,73,79)
4th place International Junior Golf Masters (79,75)
7th place WAGR Rheinblick (79,77,74)
5th place Crecy Junior International (79,77,75)
5th place GJG French Junior Classics (80,75,73)
34th place German Championship Qualification (78,82,76)
Give us 5 words that best describe you as an athlete:
Focused, hardworking, resilient, ambitious, persistent.
Tell us about your best memory of your athletic career:
My best memory in golf was winning the German Team Championship with my team and best friends.
To be a regular player of my college team and help them with my skills.
Anything else we should know?
I will fight for my starting position and will never give up being the best version of myself.