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Ebba Liljeberg

Availability status: Committed

University: University of Missouri

Personal Profile

Country: Sweden

Date of birth: 06/10/2005

Height: 5 feet 6 inches

Weight: 143 lbs

Sex: Female

Academic Information

School: Filbornaskolan RIG Golf

Graduation Year: 2025

Enrollment Year: 2025


High School Grades: coming soon…

SAT: Not taken yet

TOEFL: Not taken yet

Golfing Profile

Scoring Average: 74.1

Tournament Low Score: 68

Current Handicap: +2

National U21 Ranking (Sweden): 43

Team Selections: Swedish Women Team Championship (21 2nd & 22 3rd), Swedish Junior Team Championship (22 2nd)

Top tournament results:

3rd place Slaget om Skåne Elit (68,77)

7th place Swedish Junior Tour Örebro (72,74,71)

3rd place Delsjo Junior Open Championship (72,74,71)

3rd place PGA Junior Championships (73,71)

3rd place Svensk Junior Touren Elit (74,71)

3rd place Slaget om Skåne Elit (71,77)

4th place JMI Galvin Green Junior Open (69,82)

6th place Slaget om Skåne Elit (79,71)

15th place Irish Girls Amateur Open (77,73,83)

6th place Stenson Sunesson Junior Challenge (77,76,74)

T33rd place R&A British Girls Championship (77,75)

5th place Richard S Johnson Junior Open by Titleist (72,77)

5th place Teen Tour Future (75,74,74)

2nd place Teen Tour Future (73,74)

4th place JMI Haverdal Junior Open by PING (73,76)

2nd place Ringenäs JMI (75,76,76)

14th place Grand Opening, Svenska Juniortouren Elit (76,73,76)

3rd place Slaget om Skåne Elit (75,76)

3rd place Slaget om Skåne (75,76)

8th place Svenska Juniortouren Div 1 (78,73,75)


Give us 5 words that best describe you as an athlete:

Hardworking, ambitious, powerful, energetic, positive! 

Tell us about your best memory of your athletic career:

When we qualified to play in the Junior Team Championship Final in Portugal. In the last qualifying stage we beat the winners of 2022 – and 3 matches went to play off – the feeling when we realized the win and that we were among the 4 top junior teams in Sweden then winning the silver medal in Portugal was an unbelievable feeling!


To play high quality collegiate golf, develop as a person and as a golfer and to be my best in all levels for future professional golf career.

Anything else we should know?

I support my home club with junior events and training, something I really enjoy doing! Prior to golf I have done other sports as taekwondo, swimming and gymnastics, but favorite sport became soccer that I played for almost 10 years, usually with the role as team captain.

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