Ethan Curran
Availability status: Available
Country: United Kingdom
Date of birth: 30/09/2005
Height: 6 feet 0 inches
Weight: 139lbs
Sex: Male
School: Reigate College
Graduation Year: 2024
Enrollment Year: 2025
High School Grades: History: B, English language: B, English Literature: B, Religious Education: B, PE: B, Maths: C, Science: C, Geography: C;
SAT: Not taken yet
200m: 23.07
400m: 49.29
800m: 1:54.28
400m (UK): 30
800m (UK): 54
300m SEAA Bronze Medalist
4 x 200m / 400m Surrey Medalist
2 x 400m SEAA Bronze Medalist
1 x 400m England Athletics Bronze Medalist
400m School Games Finalist
4th place SEAA 800m
Monday: Track – 500 (100 float), 300 x 3 (6 mins)
Tuesday: 45 minute easy run
Wednesday: Strength & conditioning
Thursday: Track – 4 x 400m (4 mins), 800 race pace
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Grass playing field (350m), 8 x 1 lap of field
Sunday: 60 minute easy long
Give us 5 words that best describe you as an athlete:
Dedicated, disciplined, passionate, synergetic, focused.
Tell us about your best memory of your athletic career:
The best memory of my athletic career was achieving an England vest at the UK school games. This meant a lot to me as I had not had previous international experience, so it was a good experience to speak and race against other elite athletes.
My primary goal is to break my personal bests and to perform to the best of my ability. Secondly, my goal would be to make team GB for either the 400m or 800m and have many opportunities within the international standard. Lastly, I would love to make some big progression and some potential championship finals in America.
Anything else we should know?
I have been competing/training in the 800m for less than a year, so I am quite new to the event. For example, this season I have gone from 2.03 to 1.54 in just 7 races; and have some interest in going into the 1500m. I am happy to compete in many different types of events, as I have performed in cross country down to the short sprints.