Faustina Pergolini
Availability status: Committed
University: Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Country: Argentina
Date of birth: 19th December 2003
Height: 5 feet 5 inches
Weight: 135 lbs
Sex: Female
School: Asociación Escolar San Patricio
Graduation Year: December 2021
College Enrollment Year: 2022
High School Grades: IT: A, Maths: B, Physics: B, Literature: B, Biology: B, History: B, English: B, Chemistry: C;
SAT: 1220
TOEFL: not taken yet
Scoring Average: 76
Tournament Low Score: 70
Current Handicap: 1
National Women’s Ranking (Argentina): 5
Top Tournament Results:
1st place Torneo Ranking Menores y Juveniles #2 (70,77)
2nd place Junior Tour National Championship (76,76)
1st place Estancia La Rinconada (78,76)
1st place Torneo Ranking Menores y Juveniles #3 (74,79)
7th place El Federal (74,80,74)
9th place IMG Junior World Florida Challenge (75,77,81)
4th place Honda Open (74,82,75)
4th place Albierto del Centro Championship (76,82,78)
4th place Provincial Junior Championship (77,82,78)
1st place San Nicolas Open (72, Ev)
3rd place Rosario Jockey Club Open Medal (77, +5)
2nd place El Paso Trophy (79, +6)
Give us 5 words that best describe you as an athlete:
competitive, hard-working, willful, aggressive, cold-minded
Tell us about your best memory of your athletic career:
My greatest golfing memory came when I was playing a tournament at Hawk’s Landing Golf Club in Orlando, Florida. In the final round, I was very close behind the girl who was in first place, and it was a very tight at the top, since both of us were playing well and hitting a lot of great shots. She was tremendously competitive so it was not an easy opponent to play against. In the end, I was very close to winning, but I made a mistake on one of the last greens and could not catch up anymore, so I ended up in second place. Despite the bitter end, it is one of my best memories because I really enjoyed the game, on arguably my favorite golf course, and learned a lot of things, such as perseverance, patience and accepting the defeat without any regrets.
My goal is always to give it my all and to play to the best of my ability. I am really looking forward to being part of a university team and win a lot of tournaments with my team!
Anything else we should know?
I am very much into fitness and go to the gym several times a week to support my golf game!