Franz Mueller
Availability status: Committed
University: Wayne State University
Country: Germany
Date of birth: 1st July 1997
Height: 6 feet 3 inches
Weight: 194 lbs
Sex: Male
School: Sportschule Potsdam Friedrich Ludwig Jahn
Graduation year: 2017
College Enrollment Year: 2017
High School Grades: Math A-, English B-, German B, Psychology B, Computer class A+, Physics B+, Art B+, Sport A-, French B-, History B,
Estimated GPA: 3.3
SAT: 940
TOEFL: Not taken yet
50 free mts: 0:23,46 (25m course)
50 free mts: 0:24,04
100 free mts: 0:51,55 (25m course)
100 free mts: 0:52,47
200 free mts: 1:59,56
400 free mts: 4:17,87
50 back mts: 0:25,50 (25m course)
50 back mts: 0:26,38
100 back mts: 0:55,00 (25m course)
100 back mts: 0:56,98
200 back mts: 2:00,03 (25m course)
200 back mts: 2:00,35
50 fly mts: 0:25,53
100 fly mts: 0:56,35 (25m course)
100 fly mts: 0:57,20
200 fly mts: 2:15,81
200 IM mts: 2:10,81 (25m course)
200 IM mts: 2:13,76
Additional Information:
Team Selections: German National Junior Team (EOYF 2013, European Games in Baku)
Other Achievements: Two-time winner of the ISF (School World Championships
Give us 5 words that best describe you as an athlete:
dedicated, kind, open-minded, humorous, confident
Tell us about your best memory of your athletic career:
The best memory of my athletic career that I can recall was when the whole German federation, including me, walked into the gigantic Athletics-Arena for the closing ceremony at the 1st European Games in Baku 2015. The pure mass of spectators was overwhelming and the atmosphere was incredible.
I want to win a National Championship with my College team!