Franziska Mramor
Availability status: Committed
University: Cumberland University
Country: Austria
Date of birth: 10/11/2004
Height: 5 feet 4 inches
Weight: 121 lbs
Sex: Female
School: Gymnasium und Wirtschaftliches Realgymnasium der Dominikanerinnen
Graduation Year: 2023
Enrollment Year: 2023
High School Grades: German: A, English: A, Spanish: A, Biology: A, Physics: A, Chemistry: A, History & Political Science: A, Geography: A, Religion: A, PE: A, Psychology & Philosophy: A, Maths: B;
SAT: March 2023
TOEFL: Not taken yet
Tournament Low Score: 74
Scoring Average: 78.5
Current Handicap: 3
National Ranking (Austria): 9
Top tournament results:
9th place German Future (77,74,78)
7th place Slovenian Junior Championship (78,77,85)
2nd place Steirische LMS (78,74)
1st place AJGT (77,78)
1st place AJGT (77)
1st place Monatsbecher (77)
Give us 5 words that best describe you as an athlete:
Determined, passionate, competitive, ambitious, committed.
Tell us about your best memory of your athletic career
My best memories in golf is anytime that I participate in international championships which gives me the opportunity to see and play different courses all around the world.
My goal is to further improve my game, continue participating in International tournaments and become a member of a college golf team.i
Anything else we should know?
I have done a lot of different sports like karate, skiing, ballet, tennis and horse riding in the past but golf has always been my favorite. I have always had a competitive mindset which not only helped me reach my athletic goals but also in school.