Harrison Cannon
Availability status: Available
Country: United Kingdom
Date of birth: 15/01/2007
Height: 5 feet 9 inches
Weight: 176 lbs
Sex: Male
Graduation Year: 2025
Enrollment Year: 2026
High School Grades: Geography: A, PE: A, Design & Technology: A, Maths: A, Religious Studies: A, English Literature: A, Science: AB, English Language: B;
SAT: Not taken yet
Scoring Average: 78.8
Tournament Low Score: 67 (-1)
Current Handicap: 5
Top tournament results:
1st place Hillighdon Championship (67)
3rd place England School Championship (71,74)
2nd palce Junior Championship (72)
3rd place South Regions Boys Championship (73,73)
T1st place Middlesex County Challenge Championship (75)
2nd place Friern League (77)
6th place South Region School Championship (78)
8th place Ealing U16 Championship (78)
8th place Pinner Mixed Open (80)
Give us 5 words that best describe you as an athlete:
Dedicated, resilient, enthusiastic, passionate, committed.
Tell us about your best memory of your athletic career:
Having the opportunity to be able to go to Spain for some excellent coaching and playing in some series events out there which ignited my love and passion for the sport even more. That experience made me want to play the sport as a full time job so I could travel the world doing the sport I love.
My goals are to be the very best player I truly believe I can be. I want to be able to play across the world traveling to different courses and experiencing life through golf. Also, to win highly well known competitions as a pro golfer.
Anything else we should know?
When I am not playing golf, I complete various extra-curricular clubs, one being army cadets, of which I am a corporal. This involves giving up my time to help teach others, this shows my ability to give up time for things I enjoy and my dedication for things I do.