Harry Hall
Availability status: Available
Country: United Kingdom
Date of birth: 23/10/2006
Height: 5 feet 8 inches
Weight: 160 lbs
Sex: Male
Graduation Year: 2025
Enrollment Year: 2025
High School Grades: Coming soon…
SAT: Not taken yet
Scoring Average: 74.8
Tournament Low Score: 68
Current Handicap: 3
Top tournament results:
Swifts School Tour Series (68,75,73)
Harkenden Common Junior Championship (69)
AOC Players Championship (69,71)
Burhill Junior Open (72)
The Silvermere Junior Open (73,74)
St Andrews Junior Open (74)
Effingham Junior Club Championships (74)
Swifts School Tour Series (75)
North Hants Open (75,75)
Give us 5 words that best describe you as an athlete:
Hardworking, optimistic, resilient, disciplined, focused.
Tell us about your best memory of your athletic career:
My best memory in golf was shooting under par for the first time at the players club in my first competition in Reeds.
To become a professional golfer