Joss Edwards
Availability status: Committed
University: Tusculum College
Country of residence: United Kingdom
Date of birth: 11th May 1999
Height: 6 feet 3 inches
Weight: 187 lbs
Sex: Male
School: Hartpury College
Graduation Year: 2017
College Enrollment Year: 2018
High School Grades: English Lit: B, English Language: B, Sports Science: A, Geography: B, History: B, French: B, Design Technology: A, Maths: C, Science: C;
SAT: 7th October 2017
Scoring Average in Tournaments: 74.2
Low Tournament Round: 69 (-3)
Current Handicap: 1
Selections: County Team U14, U16 & U18
Top tournament results:
1st place Gloucestershire County Championships (71,74)
Turnbull Cup (69, -3)
June Club Medal (69,-3)
May Club Medal (72, E)
Give us 5 words that best describe you as an athlete:
motivated, passionate, diligent, hard-working, inspired
Tell us about your best memory of your athletic career:
On the 27th hole of the club championships (36 holes) last year, I had a devastating 8 on a par 4. However, I recovered with 3 birdies over the next 5 holes and ended up winning the tournament!
I want to become a PGA Tour player
Anything else we should know?
I received a sports scholarship to play golf for Cheltenham College, one of the UK’s best high schools for golf