Louise Reau
Availability status: Committed
University: Georgia Southern University
Country: France
Date of birth: 11/11/2004
Height: 5 feet 6 inches
Weight: 117 lbs
Sex: Female
School: University Paul Sabatier
Graduation Year: 2022
Enrollment Year: 2023
High School Grades: History: A, Geography: A, English: A, Spanish: A, Maths: A, Philosophy: A, Economics: B, French: B;
SAT: Not taken yet
TOEFL: 18/03/2023
Scoring Average: 72.9
Tournament Low Score: 67
Current Handicap: +3
World Amateur Golf Ranking: 581
National Ranking (France): 20
Top tournament results:
29th place Portugal Ladies International Tournament (78,70,73,77)
3rd place Grand Prix des Landes (70,72,71,69)
10th place Biarritz Cup (70,72,67,73)
2nd place Grand Prix du Medoc (73,70,70)
28th place Golf Vlaanderen Letas Trophy (71,77,71)
28th place Montauban Ladies Open (72,71,78)
34th place Catalayud Ladies Open (71,73,75)
4th place European Ladies Club Trophy (70,75,74)
27th place Santander Golf Tour Malaga (73,73,77)
3rd place Grand Prix du Golf Club (74,73,76)
12th place Amundi CZECH Ladies Challenge (74,72,76)
20th place Italy Ladies International Tournament (76,76,75,78)
9th place European Ladies Club Trophy (71,74)
Santander Golf Tour Burgos (pro) (73,73)
Give us 5 words that best describe you as an athlete:
Sportswomen, ambitious, motivated, competitive, cheerful.
Tell us about your best memory of your athletic career:
My best memory is the French Women’s Team Championship with my team in 2020. The team of Toulouse is so incredible and it was the first Women’s French team title in the history of Toulouse Golf Club. The atmosphere in the team during this week was magical and we are united forever as a family.
My goal is to pursue golf at a world wide level at the end of my studies.
Anything else we should know?
I won the U16 French Individual Championship in 2019.