Mads Priergaard
Availability status: Committed
College: Fort Scott Community College
Country: Denmark
Date of birth: 18/03/2004
Height: 5 feet 9 inches
Weight: 150 lbs
Sex: Male
School: Vordingborg College
Graduation Year: 2023
Enrollment Year: 2023
High School Grades: Maths: A, English: A, Physics: A, Chemistry: A, Biology: A, Astronomy: A, History: A, PE: A, Danish: A, Religious Studies: A, Classics: A;
SAT: Not taken yet
TOEFL: Not taken yet
Tournament Low Score: 68
Scoring Average: 74.5
Current Handicap: 0
National U19 Ranking (Denmark): 14
Top tournament results:
14th place Mage/Rosen Pokalen (71,72,68)
15th place Mage/Rosen Pokalen (69,77,71)
20th place Mage/Rosen Pokalen (70,73,74)
11th place Kronborg Masters (72,74,74)
2nd place Solvogn Pokalen (73,75,77)
20th place Dormy Elite Tour Drenge III (73,75,77)
21st place Molleaens Junior og Ynglinge Cup (78,74,73)
6th place Solvogn Pokalen (74,78,76)
7th place Argangsmesterkaber (75,73)
11th place Greve Masters (72,80)
2nd place Wilson Staff Junior Cup (76,81)
1st place Klubmesterskaberne (71)
Give us 5 words that best describe you as an athlete:
Determined, disciplined, hardworking, ambitious, competitive.
Tell us about your best memory of your athletic career:
My best memory in golf was my first hole in one in a qualifying round to make the first team at my home club. Ever since then, I have been a regular player on the first team.
My long term goal is to become a professional golfer and compete with the best players in the world.
Anything else we should know?
I have previously played soccer and badminton which has given me a strong, competitive mindset and athletic abilities.