Oliver Norminton
Availability status: Available
Country: United Kingdom
Date of birth: 23/12/2007
Height: 5 feet 8 inches
Weight: 154 lbs
Sex: Male
Graduation Year: 2026
Enrollment Year: 2026
High School Grades: Coming soon…
SAT: Not taken yet
Scoring Average: 76
Tournament Low Score: 72
Current Handicap: 2
Top tournament results:
1st place Cookridge Hall Junior Open (74)
7th place Yorkshire Boys Championship (74,75)
8th place Yorkshire and inter-district team championship (81,76)
6th place Yorkshire Boys Championship (80,82)
Give us 5 words that best describe you as an athlete:
Committed, methodical, hardworking, curious, determined.
Tell us about your best memory of your athletic career:
My best memory in golf was being selected to represent Leeds and District in the U18 6 man team championship for 2 years running.
To have a career in golf competing at the highest level.
Anything else we should know?
I am the Home Club Junior Captain.