Oliver Scriven
Availability status: Available
Country: South Africa
Date of birth: 02/11/2007
Height: 5 feet 10 inches
Weight: 182 lbs
Sex: Male
Graduation Year: December 2025
Enrollment Year: 2026
High School Grades: Coming soon…
SAT: Not taken
Scoring Average: 71
Tournament Low Score: 64
Current Handicap: +4
National U19 Ranking: 17
Top tournament results:
9th place Golf RSA International Amateur (72,71,69,71)
1st place Boland International Junior Open (68,69,71)
2nd place Boland International Junior Open (68,69,71)
6th place Golf RSA Cape Province Open (72,64,74)
T2nd place Pearl Valley Open (72,69)
4th place Cape Town Junior Open (72,70,75)
1st place Boland High Schools Championship (67)
T17th place NOMADS Inland NOoM 1 (72,76,75)
Give us 5 words that best describe you as an athlete:
Dedicated, resilient, calm, competitive, hard working.
Tell us about your best memory of your athletic career:
My best memory in golf was making an eagle on the first play-off hole in the Junior Club Championships to win. Being able to play at Pearl Valley regularly with Zander Lombard and Richard Sterne is an incredible experience.
To play in the Ryder Cup and to win The Open.
Anything else we should know?
My background is in team sports and I excel in that area.