Sam Bishop
Availability status: Available
Country: United Kingdom
Date of birth: 19/10/2007
Height: 6 feet 2 inches
Weight: 152 lbs
Sex: Male
School: Brighton College
Graduation Year: 2026
Enrollment Year: 2026
High School Grades: Biology: A, History: A, PE: A, Chemistry: A, English Literature: A, Geography: A, Maths: A, Physics: A, English Language: A;
SAT: Not taken yet
100m Hurdles
80m Hurdles
100m Hurdles: 14.20
80m Hurdles: 11.3
UK U17 Ranking: 61
Give us 5 words that best describe you as an athlete:
Intelligent, athletic, determined, competitive, fun.
Tell us about your best memory of your athletic career:
The best memory of my athletic career was setting a new personal best in the Brighton College Annual Sports Day and seeing the improvement in times over the summer season of competitions. Also being unbeaten in all inter-school competitions in the U15 age group for the 80m hurdles.
To continuing improving my time in the U17 age group to achieve a top 10 ranking in the UK.