Sid Beadle
Availability status: Committed
College: Murray State College
Country: England
Date of birth: 27th March 2004
Height: 6 feet 2 inches
Weight: 170 lbs
Sex: Male
School: Gordon’s School
Graduation Year: 2022
College Enrollment Year: 2023
High School Grades: Religious Studies: A, Maths: B, English Language: B, English Literature: B, Chemistry: B, Physics: B, Biology: B, Music: B, Spanish: B, Photography: B;
SAT: not taken yet
Scoring Average: 75.9
Tournament Low Score: 69
Current Handicap: 0
Top Tournament Results:
Berkshire Medal (69)
Windlesham Stableford (70)
West Hill Match (71)
West Hill Open Medal (72)
Windlesham Schools Invitational (73)
West Hill Open Stroke Play (77)
August Summer Medal (77)
Faldo Series South (78,79)
October Medal (79)
Sir Henry Cooper Junior Masters (78,81)
Give us 5 words that best describe you as an athlete:
determined, hard-working, resilient, professional, high-achiever
Tell us about your best memory of your athletic career:
Playing in the Midfield European Schools Championship!
I want to continue improving my golf and lower my handicap. I also would like to compete at national level tournaments and ultimately be part of a successful college team!
Anything else we should know?
I am hardworking both on the golf course and in the classroom and will do whatever it takes to be successful!