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Szymon Maciejczyk

Availability status: Available

Personal Profile

Country: United Kingdom

Date of birth: 08/02/2007

Height: 5 feet 10 inches

Weight: 172 lbs

Sex: Male

Academic Information

Graduation Year: 2025

Enrollment Year: 2025


High School Grades: Maths: A, English Language: A, Religious Studies: A, History: B, English Literature: B, Computer Science: B, Science: B, French: B;

SAT: Not taken yet

Soccer Profile


Position: Central Midfielder / Defensive Midfielder

Current Team: Balham FC (Tony Ford League), Wimbledon College

Previous Teams: Balham FC, Wimbledon College, Future FC;



Games played: 32

Games started: 27

Goals scored: 1

Assists: 9

Team Record: 10-17-5


Can always spot open space to get out of tight situations and play my teammates who are in better positions to me.

Use my body / physicality to retrieve the ball from opposition players and instantly start attacks.



Boost my confidence to allow me to go on necessary solo runs to create more chances.

Getting myself into goal scoring positions to effectively increase my goal tally.



Player of the Season (2023/24) – Wimbledon College First XI


Give us 5 words that best describe you as an athlete:

Endurance, intelligent, vision, strength, leader. 

Tell us about your best memory of your athletic career:

Scoring the winner in a London FA Youth cup semifinal game in a tight match up a few years back, although we lost in the final. As well as leading my team as captain to victory against a team which we have a long rivalry against.


Compete at a high level at college and then work for the opportunity to play internationally and one day represent Poland National Team in a professional game.

Anything else we should know?

  • Compete in 5-Aside football weekly at a high competitive level against adults allowing me to experience men’s football.
  • Regularly referee and coach football, further widening my love for the sport.
  • Compete during school rugby season in First XI.
  • Run sub-20 minute 5km
  • Partake in many different sports almost weekly including basketball, tennis, golf.
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