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1. Our Mission The mission of College Sports America is to help student athletes to make their dream come true through a sports scholarship at an American university.

2. Our Approach

College Sports America’s  approach to achieving success in our Mission is highly innovative and sets us apart from our competitors. It is driven by our three guiding principles:
  • Dedication
  • Honesty
  • Putting the Athlete first
and our relationship with our athletes will always remain faithful to these benchmarks.

3. Our People

Unlike most other agencies, our whole team has years of experience in the sports industry and, more importantly, in the American college sports system. They have attended universities in the United States on sports scholarships and have been directly involved in college sports ever since. This kind of experience is absolutely essential to secure successful results and puts the Company in an unrivalled position when it comes to contacts with university coaches and key personnel in the sports industry. This  knowledge of the wider aspects of college sports  applies to the entire College Sports America team. Those wishing to qualify for a position within the Brand are required to demonstrate experience at the highest level and expertise in the relevant sporting discipline.

4. Our Network

Providing a professional service to you as a student athlete calls for
  • an extensive network of contacts within the major North American universities and coaches both on the athletic and academic side. College Sports America currently enjoys close relationships with Stanford, UCLA, Texas, Baylor, Harvard, Boston University, UNLV, Michigan, Illinois, University of Miami, and Oklahoma State.
  • constant work to enhance this structure by identifying new opportunities within the college system and to establish reliable and rewarding personal contacts.  We focus on this aspect on a daily basis and travel across the US throughout the year to achieve this objective.
  • knowledge of your aspirations; what you want to accomplish; where you choose to be based; what type of university you prefer.

5. The Benefit to You

College Sports America’s position in the marketplace gives us a competitive advantage which plays a vital role in finding the perfect fit for you, based on your vision of your future and tailored to your athletic and academic ability. We are there for uniquely structured to help you fulfil your dream of studying in the USA and competing in college sports.  Above all, we want you to look back on your college career and say that those were the best years of your life. Your total satisfaction as a client of College Sports America will spring from the success which, together as a team , we can achieve. Of course, the most important member of that team is, and always will be, you, the athlete. Our own reward will be to know that our objective of securing our Clients’  complete satisfaction has itself been accomplished. That is our mission and we cannot wait to welcome you to College Sports America!
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