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Are you passionate about sports, great at networking, have always wanted to be your own boss and work on your own schedule? Then this might be the perfect fit for you! Contact us for more infortmation on how to join our family and on how to become an internationally respected sports expert!

Join our team of worldwide sports experts and help us find young and talented athletes, who want to pursue their own American Dream by studying in the USA with a sports scholarship.

The process is simple and you can move up quickly if you are willing to work hard and show dedication. This is how your College Sports America career could look like:


There are different levels and positions available in our company, so the easiest is if we just get to know you better and have a chat. If you are interested, it is fairly easy. Just send us an email with a short resume, your contact information and anything else we might want to know about you, and we will get back to you very shortly to get to know you and to discuss things further. All it takes is a short email and you might be on your way for an amazing career in the sports industry.

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