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A day in the life of a college swimmer

You’ve dreamed of going to college in America, swimming at incredible facilities and travelling around America competing against some of the best young swimmers in the world. But what is swimming in America really like and what does a day in the life of a college swimmer involve?

It truly is an incredible experience but it’s also a lot of hard work. Alongside an intense training schedule, you also have to keep up with your college work in order to stay on the team. But you’ll also make the best friends and have some life-changing experiences there.

So, what would a typical day in the life of a college swimmer look like? It all depends on the time of year, what college you attend and what swim events are coming up, but as a basic guide, here’s what you can expect:


6am – 8am – swim practice

It’s an early start for you with a few hours of training in the pool.

8am – breakfast

You’ll head to one of the on-campus restaurants to grab some much needed breakfast with the team.

9am – 1pm – classes

Classes can be any time in the morning. If you have some down time in-between then you can use it to chill out or hit the library and get some extra work done (we recommend taking the second option!)

1pm – lunch

After a busy morning of lessons, it’s time to refuel with lunch. You’ll be given a meal plan at the start of your semester, so you’ll know exactly what you need.

2pm – 4pm onwards – swim practice

It’s back to the pool for your second round of training for the day.

5pm – 6pm – gym

After training, you’ll head over to the gym for workout. College athletics is all about fitness so making sure you’re at the top of your game is super important.

6pm – dinner

This is where your day starts to wind down. You’ll head back to one of the restaurants to grab some dinner with the team.

7pm – free time

After dinner, you’ll generally have free time to whatever you like. Catch up on your studies, hang out with friends or just chill out in your dorm room.

Occasionally there may be a study hall session for a few hours in the evening. This will just be for the athletic teams and will be where you receive extra tuition from a professor.

It’s important to remember that not every weekday will follow the same structure. There may be days where you don’t have any lectures which means you’ll spend up to 7 hours in the pool instead. You may also have days with evening lectures leaving your mornings free for training, chill out time or team building activities.

Interested to find out more about college swimming? Contact us here and a member of our swimming team will be able to help.

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